Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Stay UNcomfortable

Sometimes in life you have those moments where everything you do, regardless of how different many things in your life may be, all seem to be trying to tell you the same message.

I had one of these moments almost a year ago. Everything I did, everything I read, everywhere I went - there was one message. It became very obvious after a week or so that I was supposed to take note of this message, this message of getting uncomfortable with where you are, and staying there.

Since then, things have been fairly strange, or maybe I'm just uncomfortable. Although I've always done things in a very "non-traditional" way, I began to push myself to do even more things while breaking further away from the traditional, mainstream, way of doing things.

It's been an incredible experience. I've met remarkable people, have been gaining more clients by the day, and have finally found the ability to make crystal clear, but at the same time achievable goals.

In the past I've done one of two things. I set goals that were either 1)Unobtainable with the resources or time frame I had, or 2)Incredibly easy and their was really no point a goal should have been set.

You want goals that you know are within reach, but will make you step out of your box to make them. Make goals that make you hesitate when you write them. Goals that almost scare you with the thought of NOT making them.

Why settle for mediocrity when it takes just as much time to Conquer Success?

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