Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm Not Surprised...

Yes, we're going through a financial crisis, but I'm not surprised.

If you the history of recessions in the United States, you wouldn't be either.

According to, there have been 16 recessions in the United States since 1907, and this excludes the "Dot Com Bubble" burst in 2001. In other words, every 5.94 years, if we allow history to repeat itself, you should expect a recession.

With the last recession happening after September 11 of 2001, we're right on target for this to hit now.

The markets are cyclical, wealth redistributes itself, and people become more innovative every time.

It's no time to panic. You know the old saying 'Think outside the box?' It's time to start living outside the box. Those who can stay creative in these times will prosper when things return normal.

Oh yeah, remember you're trying to live outside the box, not under it.

Embrace Desperation

I've written a very interesting article on embracing these desperate times for a magazine, Carolina Blueprint. I wanted to share it with you:

Innovation, creativity, and positive change are always just around the corner, and many people are being forced to find them in order to stay in business.

The markets are currently and increasingly difficult, the credit crunch is hampering everyone’s ability for expansion, and the few dollars people do have, they want to keep for themselves. We really are in a “sink or swim” situation.

What a great way to start a motivational article, right? When you realize that 98% of change is created through one of two ways, you’ll agree.

Most of us, myself included, only change for one of two reasons; inspiration or desperation. The problem I’ve found is that most business owners aren’t very inspired after the initial inspiration that started their business in the first place. What’s wrong with a lack of inspiration? It creates a stagnant market that can’t adapt or innovate quickly enough when its foundation shifts.

When things break, it always is a big deal. Think about it.

Companies are considered successful when the break away from the competition. It’s always great news to hear that you’ve broken into a new market or broke the previous sales record. When you watch the news you hear about people breaking out of jail, or breaking into cars and houses. Last time you went to a conference you probably went to a break out session, and when you were younger, I’m sure you had more than one break up with someone else.

Not only are all of the above examples similar in the fact that things broke, their all things that happen frequently, and are all things that are fixed, mended, or repaired by individuals much less intelligent and innovative than you.

The credit markets are currently askew and the housing market is slow. It would be fair to say that their temporarily broken. The government is working on everything within their power to bring things back to normal, as nothing is beyond repair.

This still doesn’t change the fact that we’re trying to change out of desperation. Desperate for change or not, the fact that we’re acting is the key towards our continued success in the market.

The problem that happens with most individuals is that when acting out of desperation, we easily get frustrated, give up, and let our circumstances get the best of us.

Stop fighting it, and learn to embrace it. The changes we make, the things we create, and ideas that allow us to innovate today, is what will ultimately shape not only our business, but our industry in tomorrow.

Learning to not only create a change in the marketplace, but embrace it is no easy task. There’s one tip that I use frequently that creates almost instantaneous change in the way we behave.

Create a “Stop Doing List”.

Most of us have a “To Do” list, yet I’m willing to be that most of the things we are actually doing, aren’t on it. By creating a “Stop Doing List” you instead list the things that are counterproductive, destructive, and ultimately detrimental to your business.

In addition to creating a stop doing list, I suggest doing two other things within the next 24 hours:

1. Go purchase the book “Thinker Toys” by Michael Michalko – This book teaches you how to have more “Aha!” moments.
2. Write down weather you’re acting out of inspiration or desperation, and why. Is it a lack of funds, poor clientele, or maybe even growth that is too rapid? In order to know where we must go, we must first know where, or in this case what, we’re trying to get away from.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I was stuck...

I was stuck for nearly 12 hours this weekend... and it wasn't at the airport.

Charlotte, North Carolina is having a fuel shortage, and I happened to be caught by it.

It was slightly before 5am and as I pull into the parking lot of a major gas station, my car sputters out, dies, and I coast into a parking spot. I didn't expect to be there for almost 12 hours.

When I spoke with people at the gas station, they told me that they expected a shipment of fuel to come in the previous night and it never showed up, "It should be here any minute..."

That didn't happen.

This was an interesting experience to watch other people.

Many people were very calm, sleeping in there cars pulled up next to a pump and waiting for gas to show up. Others were driving in with over half a tank, looking to top their tank off, and panicking because their was no fuel. One lady even started crying because she had to drive 18 miles home, and only had half a tank... I was shocked.

When the fuel truck did show up, at 4pm, 22 hours late, everyone at the gas station was ecstatic. They quickly blocked off every entrance and exit to the station, as to allow the people currently in the station to fill up, and formed a one way in, one way out entrance and exit. Only 16 cars were allowed in the station at once, and if only wanted coffee, you still went to the end of the almost 1 mile long line.

I watched people move barricades, drive over curbs and cones, and even almost run over an employee to try to force their way in. The staff handled themselves incredibly well, reasoning with all the reasonable people, and kicking out all the idiots. Good for them.

Overall, roughly 95% of the people that waited in line were very happy that things were as organized as they were. People bragged about the staff, boasted about the organization, and were thankful for kicking out the jerks.

I saw a number of employees who will, should they desire, go on to become much more than a parking attendant or gas station clerk. They handled themselves incredibly well, dealt with increasing difficult situations, were thorough in their precedure, and much more.

I am however scared. I saw our nations dependency of oil firsthand, and saw what would happen should our supply become further disrupted. It fears were strengthened when I started to do the math about the amount of carbon dioxide that this one gas station alone was producing.

After numerous fuel trucks showed up, they said they had 27,000 gallons of fuel in there tanks. That's a lot. Some quick math makes it even more scary.

One gallon of gasoline weighs 6 pounds. So this station had 162,000 pounds of fuel in their tanks. When burned, this amounts to roughly 486,000 pounds of carbon dioxide (for more information click here).

I know, a weird post for a blog on success right? I disagree.

Successful people don't necessarily have to have a lot of money, power or fame. In fact, they need none of the above. Success in this case was measured by how well these no-doubt under trained employees handled themselves in these situations. They were a success weather they knew it or not, and everyone wanting fuel, all several hundred people in line, depended these employees to successfully get home, to work, or anywhere else they were going.

Plus, this exposed a huge concern for the environment. I had never before realized just how much fuel is used, as its something you never see. It goes through that black hose, into a whole you don't see. All you do is watch that little needle move around, and go get more.

When I began to think about the amount of CO2 that we product on a daily basis, I was scared for the environment. I took this fear and began to think about how ti could be translated into success. How could I change this?

Using less fuel could be an option, buying a car that gets better gas mileage, or better yet doesn't use any, like Elon Musk's Tesla Car.

Could I change this at my house? Absolutely. The price of solar electricity is declining increasing quickly as scientists are figuring out how to make solar power less expensive and simultaneously more powerful. The government has billions of dollars in grants to help fund this, as do most cities and states. Visit for more information on these programs.

So what do I plan on doing? I'm putting together a plan for a concept solar electric power plant. One on a much smaller scale than what you would normally hear about.

Those seeking financial success need to look into the needs of the environment, learn to embrace change, and build a business focused on servicing others first, and let the financial return come on it's own, as it well. In others, turn green technology into green cash.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sam Horn

Sam Horn is an incredible author... I really don't know what to say about this interview, as it flowed so smoothly, Sam was a soundbite machine, and gave so much information, it was incredible.

Listen to Sam Horn's interview here. She'll give you incredible advice on marketing and branding yourself.

Nido Qubein - A Man of Significance

Dr. Nido Qubein truly spoke to my when I first saw him at the National Speakers Association Convention in New York a little over a month ago.

Dr. Qubein spoke of perseverance, success, and more importantly, significance. I used some of his advice in my own life, and saw an instant improvement in relationships, friendships, and my business.

I spoke of his advice to a group of small business owners an saw how much it truly is needed when I saw people falling out of their chairs laughing, and putting their heads down crying, as I spoke to their hearts on running a business on significance.

Nido Qubein serves as the President of Highpoint University, he serves as the board of directors with several businesses including BB&T, and he's a best selling author of several books. Find out more about Dr. Qubein by visiting his website - - hear more of Nido in our interview with him.

Douglas Vermeeren - The Opus

Imagine being able to take a piece of the directing abilities of Spielberg, the charisma of Reagan, and the wisdom of Confucius. Take a little piece of each of them, and what do you get? Douglas Vermeeren.

Douglas is the director of the life changing film entitled "The Opus". Many people, including myself, consider it to be the sequel to the hit movie "The Secret".

Douglas Vermeeren has interviewed well over 400 of the worlds top achievers. He himself has become a well rounded, combination of many of them.

In "The Opus" he not only shares what he's learned in a well put together film, but he brings you many of the best that he's been blessed to learn from.

I caught up with Douglas a few days ago, and we spoke about what he's learned from the world's top achievers, and what "The Opus" can do for you.

You get find our more on Douglas by visiting his website - or

Lots of recent interviews...

I've been doing lots of networking with mega-millionaires, billionaires, and other ridiculously successful people over the past few days. I've booked lots of great future guests, I've held lots of incredible interviews, and have been very busy.

I'll be posting up 3 interviews later today. They were all brilliant! There's a lot of wisdom in these guests, and I hope you enjoy it.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's JUST a Choice

It's a common misconception that, when deciding between two choices, there is a right choice and a wrong choice. I disagree.

Now I'm just like you, I don't like to make bad choices. I stopped making bad choices when I realized that there are no bad choices. Stay with me...

We all are on a continuous path towards success. We read more, go to more training, hire more and better consultants, and so on. Making one wrong choice could ruin it all.

There is no choice, with the exception of death, that can ruin it. Different choices just lead us down a different path, while still enabling us to get to the final destination.

Stop using "T" charts to organize your the "Good and Bad" of each possible choice. There is no good choice or bad choice, so stop fretting over which one to choose. You have multiple choices. Pick one, enjoy the journey, and live it out.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Letting Go...

Knowing when to let go is an incredibly difficult thing to do sometimes. Earlier today, I let of a major client of mine. A client that has been great to deal with up until recently, when I suddenly found myself spending more time and energy collecting money, than I did making it.

It wasn't an easy task to do. These people have been incredibly fun to work with. They are brilliant in what they do, they know what they want, but at the same time, they've allowed me the freedom to do what I do best, work for them.

I asked myself one question in order to make this decision. Is this client bringing me closer to, or further away from, my long term goals?

I asked myself this question as it relates to finances, emotion, in general, and specifically. In each category, the answer was further away.

I realized that instead of consulting, I was becoming a debt collection agency. I was frustrated just thinking about their projects, they were taking time away from other clients that were paying on time, and they were not aligned with my long term goals for my life.

The end decision was a no brainer. I've had to let go of clients before, and it was never easy. With this client, I knew, hands down, that it was the right choice.

I feel relieved. I'm one step closer to Conquering Success.

Do you something or someone you need to let go of? Ask yourself, "Is this situation bringing me closer to, or further away from my goals?"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Be Willing to Fight

There's a powerful scene in the 5 time Oscar winning film Braveheart. Right before Mel Gibson, playing William Wallace, leads to Scottish to defeat the English, one of the veteran Scottish warriors begins to voice his concern about being able to defeat the English and states he's going to run.

William Wallace replies, "Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!"

This scene is so powerful, even to this day. I believe it is your right to able to be as successful as possible, but too many people settle for mediocrity over fighting for their right to succeed.

Success doesn't come easily, one must earn it. In the movie, hundreds if not thousands of Scottish warriors lost their lives, and paid the ultimate sacrifice in order for Scotland to have it's freedom. They were willing to do whatever it takes in order to win.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to die to be successful. I clearly want you to be able to enjoy both the process and the reward of success. You deserve more than what you have, but you must be willing to do whatever it takes.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Breath. Relax. Focus.

I often reflect on a sticker that I used to read weekly. It read "Breath. Relax. Focus."

It wasn't really a sticker, but rather a handwritten reminder on a piece of duct tape. This note was crucial to me.

I put this sticker on the gauges of my road race motorcycle, and later on, on my supermoto race bike. It served as a constant reminder that relaxation and focus can separate life from death and winners from losers.

Racing motorcycles was absolutely the most fun I've ever had in my life. It was the largest adrenaline rush one could get, in addition to challenging, dangerous, and rewarding all in one.

Road Racing was a sport that requires you to pass other riders, leaned over with your knee dragging the ground, within inches of them, at speeds well in excess of 100 mph. As you can imagine, things can get a bit tense.

It really is a funny sport in a way. It's not that the most skilled rider wins, or even that the most brave rider wins. It's a sport in which the one that can think the most clearly and stay more focused while pushing their motorcycle to the limits wins.

Road Racing is a lot like... life. It's not that the most skilled conquer success, but rather the one that can outsmart the rest, take on more risk, and continue to stay focused on their goals, comes out on top.

Remember to take time to sit down, clear your mind and breath, relax, and regain your mental focus.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Knowledge isn't power...

I don't believe that knowledge is power. I believe taking action is power.

Calvin Coolridge said so himself, "The world is full of educated derelicts."

When was the last time you heard someone call a wealthy individual "stupid rich"?

I believe these two points go hand in hand. There are many incredibly educated people in the world that are starving, and many more that were high school dropouts, but went on to make remarkable changes in the world.

You see, you don't need education to conquer success, you need action. What would education be if you were brilliant (which I'm sure you are) but did nothing with your knowledge? It would be useless.

This leads me to believe that those that take action, will do more in life than those who are brilliant, but lack the application to apply their knowledge.

Here's some tips on taking action:
1. Make sure you "Swallow That Frog" - Best Selling Author Brian Tracy wrote a great book, Swallow That Frog. In it, Brian talks about the importance of doing the most difficult thing first. What's the task that you try to put off until "later" in the day that never gets done? Make sure that you start to do this task frist!

2. Remember the rule of Success - Neither success nor failure happen one day at a time. Conquering success requires to take consistent action daily to conquer your long term goals.

3. Set smaller goals - Too many people believe that the golden ticket lies with conquering that major task; making that million dollars, building that business, living in your dream house. Life is much more pleasurable when you enjoy the process in addition to the outcome, after all, we spend 98% of our time in process. You might as well learn to enjoy it. Set smaller goals that let you know your making progress through the process. Did you make those 5 sales calls each day this week? Did you send out your newsletter? Did you remember to tell your spouse "I love you" at least 3 times?

Be someone of power, stature, and significance.Take action, and Conquer Success.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What does yours say?

President Thomas Jefferson and several others were once forced to cross an incredibly flooded river on horseback. Each man feared for their life.

A lonely traveler, horseless, was standing nearby and he two needed to get across the flooded river. He asked President Jefferson who instantly agreed, and the two made it across safely.

When the two reached the other side, a member from Jefferson's group asked the traveler why he asked President Jefferson over everyone else. The traveler admitted sheepishly that he did not who any of these men were, and he had no idea that he had just crossed the river on the back of the President's horse.

The group, now baffled by why he choose the President asked more questions, "Well why did you choose him over all of us?"

The traveler responded, "Because he had the look in his eyes that he KNEW he would make it across. The rest of you were simply hoping."

Not only can you feel your physiology change when you are bound and determined to conquer something, others can see it in your face.

If you eyes and body show fear and doubt, it's nearly impossible to achieve what you want. But if your mind and body are aligned with your goals, it shall be your goals that you conquer.

Conquer your inner-self, your thoughts, your spoken words, and your body. Then conquering success shall be easy.