Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm Not Surprised...

Yes, we're going through a financial crisis, but I'm not surprised.

If you the history of recessions in the United States, you wouldn't be either.

According to, there have been 16 recessions in the United States since 1907, and this excludes the "Dot Com Bubble" burst in 2001. In other words, every 5.94 years, if we allow history to repeat itself, you should expect a recession.

With the last recession happening after September 11 of 2001, we're right on target for this to hit now.

The markets are cyclical, wealth redistributes itself, and people become more innovative every time.

It's no time to panic. You know the old saying 'Think outside the box?' It's time to start living outside the box. Those who can stay creative in these times will prosper when things return normal.

Oh yeah, remember you're trying to live outside the box, not under it.

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