Thursday, September 11, 2008

Letting Go...

Knowing when to let go is an incredibly difficult thing to do sometimes. Earlier today, I let of a major client of mine. A client that has been great to deal with up until recently, when I suddenly found myself spending more time and energy collecting money, than I did making it.

It wasn't an easy task to do. These people have been incredibly fun to work with. They are brilliant in what they do, they know what they want, but at the same time, they've allowed me the freedom to do what I do best, work for them.

I asked myself one question in order to make this decision. Is this client bringing me closer to, or further away from, my long term goals?

I asked myself this question as it relates to finances, emotion, in general, and specifically. In each category, the answer was further away.

I realized that instead of consulting, I was becoming a debt collection agency. I was frustrated just thinking about their projects, they were taking time away from other clients that were paying on time, and they were not aligned with my long term goals for my life.

The end decision was a no brainer. I've had to let go of clients before, and it was never easy. With this client, I knew, hands down, that it was the right choice.

I feel relieved. I'm one step closer to Conquering Success.

Do you something or someone you need to let go of? Ask yourself, "Is this situation bringing me closer to, or further away from my goals?"

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